
Showing posts from October, 2017

"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #13 Alyson combat outfit & my Patreon page.

Hello, everyone! This is Uirusu, and long time no see! What you are seeing now is Alyson in her combat outfit. This suit was specifically designed for her by the R&D department. Her weapon of choice is AP-101Z, a submachine gun loaded with caseless ammunition. There's more to say about this outfit but now I just want you to have a glance at it.  Anyway, you wil learn more in the game. Today, I have another thing that also deserved to be mentioned. Yes, I have a patreon page now!    <-- Check it out! If you would show your support, I will be very grateful. And you also get a shoutout in the credit scene of "Maiden City:TLCD"!! Future diaries will still be posted at my original homepage like always. My Patreon page will have the exact same ones. That's it for today. Thanks for your reading. I'll see you next time!

"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" 開發者日誌#13 愛莉森的戰鬥服&我的Patreon頁面

大家好,我是初流水!:) 好久不見! 你現在看到的是愛莉森的戰鬥服裝, 這套服裝是由研發部門特別為她量身製做的, 她選擇佩帶的武器是無彈殼的衝鋒槍 AP-101Z , 關於這套服裝還有很多東西可以講, 不過今天只打算讓你們看一眼而已, 正式遊戲中會有更多的介紹。 今天我還有另一個重要的訊息要跟你們分享, 是的,我現在有自己的Patreon頁面啦!   這邊進去可以參觀 您的任何支持我都會非常感謝, 而且你的名字將會出現在遊戲結尾的感謝名單中! 未來的日誌一樣會po在我的主頁, Patreon頁面則會有一樣的日誌, 今天就說到這裡啦 感謝你的閱讀, 下次再見囉 拜拜!