
Showing posts from August, 2017

"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #12 Big Announcement!!

Hey, this is Uirusu! It's has been long since the last update, and today I have a big announcement for you! The one and only PR company, The Hidden Levels, is now our PR partner! I don't want to talk officially so I'm gonna just keep it real from now. This actually happened in July 2017, when I met Kitty who has been an absoulte pro and a great help to this title. Funny story, I was somehow convinced I'll be finishing this game by myself and only myself, from the very beginning. I was surprised to read the very first message Kitty sent me. At first I thought it was going to be a casual chatting with a fan and suddenly - POOF! I got myself a dedicated partner and a good friend. I was like magic. We believe that together we can make things different. We can create a good game that will be remembered by people. To be honest, it wasn't easy developing a game and promoting it at the same time. Shout out to Kitty, I konw I told you I'm glad t...

"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #11 Game Progress - Title Screen

Hello everyone, this is Uirusu!:) I know it has been a long time since the last update. It had been an eventful month, many things came up. I was working on the opening movie for Maiden City: TLCD, and I'm currently rewriting the story to make it more entertaining and accurate in Maiden City's history. There will be a big and exciting event happening this month. It will be revealed along with the opening movie I made. Buckle up because it will be one hell of a trip! Let's leave it right here. What you are seeing now is the title screen in progress. I had decided to go with the screen size of 1280*720, instead of 800*500 like the other works released so far. The rest of the game will also be 1280*720. I figured that will be more atmospheric and there will be more space for me to work with. The other work(right here) shows the view inside Frost Guard's hangar and how the city looks from there. This work shows a more accurate view of how the city is. Old an...

"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" 開發者日誌#11 遊戲進度 - 標題畫面

大家好,我是初流水!:) 距離上一次更新有一段時間了, 上個月事情特別多, 我完成了開頭影片,現在正在針對劇本的娛樂性和正確性做大修, 還有,這個月將有大事件要發生, 公開的時候開頭影片也會一併公開, 繫緊你的安全帶,因為我們要起飛囉! 閒話先說到這裡, 現在看到的是正在製作中的標題畫面, 我決定把遊戲中所有畫面都從800*500改成1280*720, 因為我覺得這樣燈光美(?)氣氛佳(O),也比較有空間發揮 之前那張圖描繪了由Frost Guard內部往外看Maiden City的情境 這張圖則比較能完整地表現Maiden City的風景, 安靜老舊的住宅區街道、繁榮的商業區,和Maiden City最有代表性的旅遊景點, 反質量平台,這在我的第三篇日誌介紹過,沒看過的話請務必看看, 還有,雪,這非常重要, 為什麼非常重要呢? 我們先來看看Maiden City的所在地, 福爾摩沙,或是說台灣也可以, 大家都知道台灣這個國家是幾乎不下雪的, 不過對Maiden City來說, 下雪是稀鬆平常的事, 至於原因就等到實際遊戲出來再親自體會吧 ;) 好啦,今天就說到這裡了, 感謝你的閱讀,如果有建議或想法歡迎到下面的留言區留言, 對我幫助很大:) 下次再見囉 拜拜!