
Showing posts from June, 2019


安安,我是2019的初流水! 抱歉我離開了好一陣子 以下的訊息是給2019年仍在這裡的你 首先,感謝你的支持與愛顧 我已經將大部分的內容都移到Steam和Patreon了 Steam的連結在這裡 這裡是Steam的創作人網頁 感謝您的支持,這是我的Patreon 「魅灯市:最後的附帶傷害」的開發已經接近尾聲,我在這裡邀請你跟我一起去 新世界 我已經決定要將這個世界暫時凍結,直到它準備好再次甦醒 我離開的這五年發生了很多事 魅灯市跟我都改變了很多,我們未來有機會再聊那些事 我在下面留了我離開不久後畫的新標題畫面,如果你願意跟我一起來 Steam ,那裡還有更多的東西可以看 總之,我只是開著我的「蜜亞」來這裡載你們到新世界去的 我很期待在那邊跟妳們再相見 初流水,完畢!

Hey, soooo I moved!

Hey, this is Uirusu speaking in 2019. Sorry for the long absence. The following message is for whoever is still here in 2019. First of all, thanks for sticking around and thanks for all your love. I have moved most my contents to steam and Patreon. Link for steam is right here. And this is my steam creator's page. Annnd this is my Patreon page. I appreciate your support. The development of Maiden City: The Last Collateral Damage is almost at the end and I'm here to invite you to follow me to the new world, steam. Because I am putting this world in temporary sleep until it is ready to wake it up again. For the 1.5 years I was absent, many things happened. Maiden City and I have both changed a lot. We will talk about that some point in the future. I am leaving this new title art I made shortly after I left here. If you would come to steam  with me, there would be some other stuffs for you to see. Anyway, I am just here to extract all you guys with my MIA a...