"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #12 Big Announcement!!

Hey, this is Uirusu!

It's has been long since the last update, and today I have a big announcement for you!

The one and only PR company, The Hidden Levels, is now our PR partner!

I don't want to talk officially so I'm gonna just keep it real from now.

This actually happened in July 2017, when I met Kitty who has been an absoulte pro and a great help to this title.

Funny story, I was somehow convinced I'll be finishing this game by myself and only myself, from the very beginning.

I was surprised to read the very first message Kitty sent me.

At first I thought it was going to be a casual chatting with a fan and suddenly - POOF!

I got myself a dedicated partner and a good friend.

I was like magic.

We believe that together we can make things different. We can create a good game that will be remembered by people.

To be honest, it wasn't easy developing a game and promoting it at the same time.

Shout out to Kitty, I konw I told you I'm glad to have you on board, but that couldn't show how lucky I felt.

I know it's not a coincidence, we are here for a reason.

And I appreciate it everyday whatever it was.

And also to you reading this diary, you are the best!

You have no idea how much it means to me to have someone reading the stuff I wrote.

Thank you.

Okay, I guess this is it.

I'll keep it real so keep it real guys.

Ask me question or say anything you would like to say to me down below the comment section.

See you next time! 



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