"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #3 Intro of Maiden City part one

Hello, Uirusu here!

I know it's been a long time. Although with so many crazy new things going on, I still enjoy making these developer diaries.

Okay, let's do this!

Today we are going to talk about Maiden City.

Maiden City is undoubtably a dangerous place now, but she did have her moments.

Let's take a look at Maiden City's  national flag.

There are several different explanations of what the colors mean.

The most popular and also the official one is that red means love, white means a peaceful and bright future, and yellow means prosperity.

However, there's a considerable amount of scholars who believe that the flag is simply a resemblance of custard and strawberry cake.

Loving sweets is the few similarities the Maidens have.

Maiden City is a special place, among all the special things she has, the scenery will definitely be the most memorable part if you visit her someday.

As you can see, the whole city was built on countless platforms, floating on Taipei Basin.(The drawing is here just to give you an idea, not how she actually looks.)

Those platforms were made of negative mass materials and that's why they are floating in the air.

To prevent them from drifting away, there's a facility at the center of the city which dispatch nanomachines serving as counterweights.

Those nanomachies are controlled by the Hive Mind(we'll talk about her in the future), when they sense some platform is ascending or descending, they stick to or leave the platform to keep the balance.

Just imagine the platforms as balloons if that helps.

That's it for today, but that's just part one, we will go deeper next time, if you are interested, follow me on social medias.

I'll keep bringing you stories of Maiden City.



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