"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #4 Character intro - Eden-0

Hello everyone, here's Uirusu!

Despite of all the corruption and danger going on in Maiden City, there's still one particular good nature in her. 
There's no racism.
Since the founding year of this city, humans, robots, cyborgs, and synthes have been living and working together.
For humans, it's nothing strange to have robots as friends or synthes for spouses. And that's same for the other races.
Everyone has the same basic citizen rights due to the AUP(Act of Universal priorities) which was passed by the congress in 2028.
AUP also officially authorizes companies to manufacture robots or synthes who are intelligent enough to be creative.
Some might say that AUP is nothing more than a common interest between Frost Guard and Natsuki Corporation, the former is a monopoly synth manufacturer and the latter is a big time robot manufacturer.
Because those artificial life forms they produced can vote.
However, they are not the first one to invent artificial life forms, the very first one could be dated back to 2020, two years before WWIII.
Her name is EDEN-0, the masterpiece of Adell Guard.
EDEN-0 was originally created to serve as an assistant, but later on as a mother AI that controlled every AI created by Adell Guard, from auto-turret AI to gigantic warship AI.
She played the key role from the very first day of Maiden City until today.
It was in 209x that she suffered but survived the computer virus outbreak and got a synthetic body which we are seeing now.
This is her 80th year in the world and she's the few alive that had witnessed the true history of the city.
She's also very close to Alyson.
She has been looking after her since her mother's demise.
She's now serving for Frost Guard according to Adell's will, and people consider her the zeroth Maiden.
This is Eden and her room. The statue in the middle of the room is Adell Guard.
Eden paid an artist with her own money to make it, so this is the only one in the world.
By the way, this time I drew something special for you people. Enjoy it.
That's it for today. Hope you have a good day.Goodbye!


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