"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #5 Technology intro - M.I.A.

Hello everyone, Uirusu here!

Today we are going to talk about technologies.

Advanced technologies have always been the backbone of Maiden City since the very beginning.

The negative mass material technology we talked about before is merely a small part of them.

It's applied not only to the city itself but also all kinds of machinery in the city.

For example, "MIA", Multifunctional Ion-propelled Aircraft which appeared in the concept art.

The main frame of MIA is made of several kinds of negative mass materials so it weights only 0.5 ton while fully-equipped.

And it's equipped with 20 "Jade 1k" ion engines, each with the thrust of 1 kN, giving it a impressive thrust-to-weight ratio of 4.08.

It can go up to 3890 km/hr.

It's perfect at vertical maneuvering and fairly good at horizontal maneuvering.

It was designed this way to have the best maneuverability in Maiden City.

However, the two most groundbreaking systems are "Hive Intelligence" and "Phantom Dejectile System".

"Phantom Dejectile System", as "Phantom", is a system designed to replace the traditional weapon system on vehicles, it originated form two simple concepts, better inventory management and a more adaptable weapon selection in combat.

The Phantom consists of one central processor which transmits and processes signals, and countless soccer-sized disposable 3D printers containing highly concentrated masses.

Once the 3D printer is released, the central processor will send a signal containing an authorized arming license to the 3D printer then it will proceed to print out whatever weapon its authorized in less than 0.1 second.

As the "Hive Intelligence", it's a system controlled by the Hive Mind.

A MIA and every ion engine it's equipped have their own AI which work on their own while repporting to the Hive Mind.

The engine is capable to detect damage done to itself and decides whether to fix it or simply has another engine occupying its position if the original position is more critical to the manuvering.

You pobably are confused right now.

Well, let me explain.

All 20 engines are arranged in a particular way right under a MIA and they change their propelling angles to change the directions of the force they produce.

However, due to the nature of the force, some position is more effective in pushing foward and less effective in other directions.

The engine will have to take all kinds of conditions under consideration then reposition itself.

The engine has a lot more to do besides what we just talked about but that will take another whole page of diary to talk about.

Let's leave it for today!



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