"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #2 Character intro - Alyson Guard
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, <<The Dark Knight Rises>>
The heir of Frost Guard, the biggest PMSC in the world.
U: Uirusu
A: Alyson
*intro music*
U:Hello, Uirusu here!
U:Today we have Ms.Guard here with us!

A:Oh!I've never been so excited in my life!
Thank you for inviting me to come to your
show, Uirusu. And please, call me Alyson.
U:Such passion! Looks like we are going to
have a good time! We are gald to have you
too, Alyson.
U:So, tell me Alyson. That cute outfit you're
wearing, that's standard Frost Guard uniform,

A:Well, we have many types of uniforms, some are
for formal events and some are for real combat .
Yeah, this is the standard uniform for commissioned
U:I see. One question. How do you like the
fact that people are wearing modified guard
uniform as a fashion trend?
A:Hmm, honestly, I think that's pretty great.
I mean with all the anti-Frost Guard riots
occurring everyday, I'm personally happy
that at least the majority of people don't
think of us as their enemy.
A:*sigh* I mean we work so hard to keep
people safe, you know, I'm just...
U:Yeah, I know that feel. But hey, have you
been to that new Maiden memorial? I heard
you worship the Maidnes a lot, don't you?

A:You mean the Hex? Of course I have
been there. In fact, I went there last
week. That's why there was extra
security around the perimeter of
the Hex.
U:Yeah, I remember now. I got stuck in the
traffic for an whole hour! Hahaha!

A:Hahahaha. Ha...
U:Anyway, we gathered and analyzed some
questions from your fans. Looks like they
care most about your private life, especially
your love life. Would you mind to share it

A:Please don't get me wrong, I would
like to talk about it, but the thing is
that I don't have one.
A:In fact, I never had one.

A:Yep, totally true.
U:Well, I'll be damned. Alyson Guard has
no love life.U:But I bet there's something close enough
to call it affection, isn't it?

A:Maaaaybe? I don't knowww.
U:Come on, there's nothing to be embarassed of.

A:Okay, there's kind of that one guy
that I'm...interested...
U:Does he also work for Frost Guard?
A:Yes, he does. Actually, we are
in a special task force.
U:Alright, we are on to something here! And
what's his name?

A:Hmm, I think I better not say it since
we are not in a relationship.
U:Of coures. So, does he also feel that way?

A:I'm not sure. He's rather popular
among co-workers, though.
U:A ladies man I suppose?
A:Yeah, you could say that.
intelligence that you, Alyson, is starting a
campaign to support Universal Health Care Bill.
Can you confirm it?

A:Yeah, that's true!
U:So, it's confirmed! That's great, but I think
we all have the same question. As a maiden from
the privileged community and the most privileged
family, what 's your interest in the Bill.
U:I mean, surely you don't need health care. You
even have your own medical team, right?

A:My interest? My interest is the well-being
of all people in Maiden City, both common
community and privileged community.
U:I see. But what makes you think that way?
that my mother passed away when I was
little. The part they don't know is that there's
that one woman who kept me company for a
short period of my childhood.
A:She gave me the love I needed as a child,
she kept me happy, she allowed me to see
the world in a very different way,
the Maidens' way, but...
U:As demise?

A:*sigh* Yeah, you can try. Before you ask,
I'm sorry I can't help. There's nothing I
U:I see. We will try our best.U:So, I guess that's it for today! Again,
thank you for coming, Alyson! And
thank you for watching!
U:We will see you next time! Bye!
*outro music*
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