"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #6 Character Intro - Chun

Hello, Uirusu here!

Today I'm bringing you a very very special episode!

I'm going to introduce you to the only and true heroine of the whole Maiden City Series and her caretaker.

Before we actually meet her, let's take a look at this draft.

Her name is Springfield, and she is the ground zero of the whole series.

She was unintentionally created in one of my practicing sessions during the time I was creating a completely different game.

When I saw her I spoke to myself, "You know what? Let's make a story with her as the heroine!"

I put aside the game I worked for about two months, then jumped deeply into Maiden City.

That's how the story started. True story.

Springfield, the legendary vigilante group leader, wasn't called Springfield until she made her debut in the incident so called "9th Object" in 2107, when she was 19.

She's passionate and motivated genius, but can be kind of sloppy sometimes.

Her real name remains secret among few people she trusts.

It's not because revealing it will bring her or her family any trouble considering the facts that she's already famous after "9th Object" and has been an orphan for most of her life.

It's because of some rather personal reason.

Her real name is Chun, and she is a descendant of a Taiwanese (or Formosan) family.

Since Maiden City was founded on the land of a country called Taiwan, Taiwanese descendants are quite common here.

She lost her parents when she was three and had been on the street ever since.

During the five years on the street, she managed to survive through bagging and stealing, but eventually she didn't get away with the last theft attempt and lost her right arm in the process due to excessive force from two guards.

Fortunately she was rescued by Riza and Madeleine, the director and the deputy director of a orphanage called Summer Child.

That's the first time she met Madeleine and they proceeded to grow fond of each other in a very short time.

The story of this game happened in 2099, 8 years before 2107, when she was just 11.

This piece shows Madeleine, Chun, and her frineds at Summer Child.

(The background is still in progress though.)

Madeleine is the left one, Chun is the second from left and the rest are her friends who are also orphans.

As you can see, Chun's right arm had been replaced with a robotic prostheses, and that prostheses was made by herself.

Okay, that's it for today!

I'll see you next time, bye!


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