"Maiden City: the last collateral damage" Game Dev Diary #8 Character Intro - Little Mary

Hello everyone, here's Uirusu!

How's your day?

Mine's great because I just finished my final and I can finally come back to Maiden City.

Today I'm going to introduce you to little Mary.

Or in Chun's way, lil Mary.

She's three years old and will be four by this Christmas.

By the way, most of the children's birthdays are on Christmas because nobody really knows their true birthday, and it costs less to celebrate their birthday collectively on Christmas.

Little Mary never knows her parents because she was dropped at the doorstep of Summer Child right after she was born.

She and Chun are best friends.

Despite of the gap in their age, she sees and loves Chun as her big sister.

As you can see, she's holding a doll which seems to be Chun.

Madeleine made that for her since she can only feel safe when Chun is present, and the doll has proved to be a rather effective substitution of Chun.

She's shy when strangers are around but loving toward her family.

Everybody loves her and so does she.

She can speak two languages, English and Taiwanese.

English is the official language of Maiden City and Taiwanese, which she learned from Chun, is the most common non-official language among all kinds of languages.

After all, Taiwan did get absorbed into Maiden City when she was founded.

Actually, in game you can see little Mary speaking while making some mistakes because, well, she's only three.

At least everyone knows what she's saying, and she gets that going for her which is nice.

She's at the age where she learns how to talk properly and also to not pee in the bed.

She pees in bed so many times that she has an official no-water-before-bed order issued by Madeleine.

She's trying very hard to contain herself and Chun has always been rooting for her.

Since she's the one sharing the same bed with her.

Maiden City isn't exactly a friendly place, especially for the powerless.

Little Mary is lucky to be sent to Summer Child rather than living on the street like Chun did.

She likes to hear Chun telling her stories of the time before she came to Summer Child.

And Chun always leaves out the dark part and swears to keep little Mary safe from those matters.

She will protect her at any cost, even if it means sacrificing her own life.

Okay, that's it for today!

Enjoy the short comic and tell me what you want to learn about Maiden City next time down at the comment

I'm thinking maybe I will talk about Alyson when she was a kid or more about Maiden City herself.

What do you think?

I'll be glad if you can leave some suggestions for me.

Follow me on ★☆twitter★☆★ if you are entertained because there are more on the way!

Thank you, bye!


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